Friday, June 27, 2014

Planning on Adventure

Have you ever heard of Avenue Verte? Probably just about as long, (if I started from where I am living in Crawley) but more challenging terrain than the trip I've been hoping to do for years from Passau, Germany along the Danube to Vienna (do I really have to say Austria? Or should everyone really know that already?) Well if you haven't heard of either try these two links:

For the England/France route
For the Germany/Austria route

First biking experience was to the grocery store. Amazing. Right? Since you know, I can walk there. But I found a tub - deli sized tub - full of Dolmades for the equivalent of less than $5 Canadian. Wow! Taste excitement! Taste bud delight! Yummy!!!

Bring on the Greek food, hold the Greek men! I will not be going all Shirley Valentine on you now or ever - that fad is over. But the food, oh no, it is not!

More on the biking exploration later. 
In the mean time I leave you with this sweet little front garden:

Yes, purple (violet, lavender, lilac, amythist, mauve, magenta, plum, wine, periwinkle...) I do adore you. 

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