Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Life's an Exciting Place at 18

I feel as though I'd like to live my last ten years over again and better with more of the positive energy force my cousin and her boyfriend have.  It's natural for the shine to dull a little over time, but their 'we can do absolutely anything' attitude added some gloss to my stride. What great people to be around! Maybe I can go back to school? Well maybe! Lol.

We visited the Crumlin Road Gaol (yes this says jail) and also watched a movie called "Belfast City" which were both quite interesting especially from our outside point of view.

We found out there were 17 death sentences carried out at this jail over about 100 years. I am actually surprised there were so few. Then we argued about capital punishment. Oh how quickly tainted adults become! Not sure I really want to be one. Then again it's all about attitude, and figuring out how to live your life keeping outside of confinement. And a noose. Yikes!

Best wishes to Imke at university and Tom in his civil service, until next year! Xox

 Minds open, faces to the sunshine!

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