Thursday, March 10, 2016

Strudel Doodle

If you can't decide what type of strudel to make, just make two. 
One sweet and one savoury, and don't forget the bacon! 
And try to import some Topfen. Or make your own ricotta. 
Or do whatever insipires your creative heart. 

While we took a break from adamantly trying our best sales pitches on Miss Marts, 
(we want her to stay forever and Canada is great!), she made us some strudel.  

The dough surprised me similarly to how the tortilla dough did. 
Super stretchy, quite forgiving. 
My favourite part, though, is the roll up technique with the cotton towel. 
Reminiscent of sushi? 

Delicious! (Lekker!)

Thank you Miss Marts! 
Very toothsome, indeed. 

I'd better make my own before I forget the instructions! 

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