Saturday, March 5, 2016

Barn Door

I'm getting behind with posting again, but it's been busy around home. 
Most extra time is spent doing useful tasks, like replacing this old door:

It was one of our barn doors. Not too likely to keep anyone in, or anyone out. 
Safety for all our animals will be important, 
no matter how cute a fox is or how beautiful a coyote may be. 
And a pack of howling coyotes in your yard is not pleasant, ever.
So we built a new door.

We used all the old hardware which still works well. 
While we were at it, we also rebuilt the wee escape gate with some salvaged wood. 
Not exactly complicated but I did make it myself, and I think it looks good as well as functions well.

Yes, the barn is self widening... 
So your eyes are fine, even if they feel a little crossed trying to look at the angles, 
it just made us have to think a little to get a nice flush close on our new door. 

Sometimes we really sigh at how much work (and money) needs to go into our barn, 
but it's in pretty good shape when we look around the countryside, 
not to mention how many years of real work it's done. 

Hope we put it to use again soon! 

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