Monday, March 21, 2016

Chick Show

Here are two growing poults, posing prettily. 
They're now just shy of three weeks old.
No two birds are exactly alike in their growth process. 
Some are larger than others, too. 
The top photo shows one of our lighter girls still sporting some chick fluff.

While the bottom photo is of one of the larger, more developed birds. 
Her wings are growing faster than her body so these days she's enjoying a bit of flight. 

That won't last for long, I suspect, but no doubt she was one of the escapees 
Jordan discovered the other morning.
They'd made a jail break from their baby house, causing much ado. 
Once all caught they graduated to a larger, cooler box where they are now 
pecking, chatting, eating substantially more and therefore, also pooping away. 

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