Saturday, March 5, 2016

28 Babies!

Meet our first baby, Georgi. 

He's just a kitten but already scaling the tallest of our trees. 
(Careful or he will climb you!)
I can't wait for his first mouse! Or bird. 
I do hope he gets one of those super cheeky magpies... 
They've been teasing him mercilessly. 

All paws and fluff. He's more affectionate than any cat I've ever met. 
Just the kind that comes from a kitty store. 
(I always knew there was one of those, mom.) 

He was brave enough to go out in the dark this morning, 
which may be more scary for me who knows and remembers about the coyotes...
I love this wee meow-meow, his Lynx like ear tufts, big cat coat markings and all, 
so he'd better be there when I get back home! 

Now please meet Rori, our new puppy. 
(Georgi wasn't particularly impressed at this point) 

She's a little rescue pup. The smallest of a litter of ten. 
Part lab and retriever on the mom's side, but the dad is unknown. 
Any guesses? 

Training has already started, and we are glad about her easy-going attitude. 
Three months old, teething and needs to go out for a pee at least twice a night... 
We're a bit exhausted with that and all the daytime puppy energy, 
not to mention the fact the kitten and puppy were mortal enemies until yesterday, 
when they started playing, albeit play-fighting. 

I'll have to have well forgotten about this tiredness 
before I would ever be willing to consider a human baby. 

But the fur baby is so cute!

We do have happy grand-puppy-parents who will take her 
for a bit of sitting now and then, 
and best of all I had my best friend for a whole week to help me out! 

Now please meet our feather-puff babies, known as "the chickies". 

They aren't actually all that stinky. They might even sleep more than they eat or poop. 
I love their eyelashes. Lol, did you know? No teeth, but they've got lashes! 
My favourite part, other than petting their soft fluff, is listening to them peep. 

I forgot to take photos when they first arrived but, on day two they got combs:

These little girls (or so they are meant to be) should grow rather quickly into laying hens. 
So far they are one week old and they have real feathers growing in 
(all now have wing feathers and 15 have tail feathers, too!) 
and they're more than double their original weight. Weight gain has a bit of a spread at the minute.
By a bit, I only mean 14 grams, but that's substantial when you only weigh an average of 79 grams.
They are getting faster on their strong, lengthening legs.

On day three, they got feathers:

All 26 brown leghorns made it through the post without casualty. Phew! 
Hopefully we can do our part to keep them safe and healthy. No kitty, no!!! 
(This is when coyote looks really nice as a coat/hat/moccasins/mittens etc.)

We are going to need to start an egg business come August! 
And before long I'm going to have to buy a sack of chick grower 
as they'll have eaten all their starter! 

Georgi and Rori (for the most part) come when called. 
I wonder if the chickens will at all? For now everything startles them.

I love all my babies!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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