Friday, July 4, 2014


Jeppesen spells it that way. Some other spelling aficionados might spell it Zakynthos instead, which does look more Greek. 

It's in the Ionian Sea on an island, which may go by the same name. I'm sorry to say I didn't have the chance to take photos, plural, of the island, but I do have to work sometimes. We approached from the south over a gorgeous blue-green bay and the temperature was 31 degrees. 

These are the photos I did manage to take:

We passed Wildspitze, a very high peak in the Austrian Alps on our way there.

You can see the runway in this photo... It's the brown dry line. It's actually paved, though. We are flying southeast and the orientation of the strip is 160/340. We will land on runway 34, which means making a left turn from this position over the bay in the center of the photo. 

As we flew home we flew up the east coast of the Adriatic Sea and past Albania, Montenegro, Croatia and the we tab of Bosnia and Hertzkovenia. This is Split, Croatia.

We are over Switzerland, looking into Germany. The lake is Walensee, Glarus Nord on the left, and Walenstadt on the right tip. In the distance is Lake Constance. It's a peculiar perspective. 

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