I thought I could easily live in this 'cottage' near the Italian Gardens in Kensington Gardens. After all who wouldn't want to live in a gingerbread house, right down the lane from a love garden? Did you know Albert had the Italian Gardens made as a gift to Victoria? I hope she liked it! I didn't make it to their museum today as the weather begged my presence outdoors.
The cost of bike rentals in London is much more affordable than in San Francisco and the instructions about charges are quite clear.
This is Regent Street just off Oxford Street. Both are high priced tourist shopping areas where you can find Burberry, Selfridges and the like. I don't care for over priced items, but I sure love the window dressings at Selfridges. While at Harrod's I was overcome with the need to sample a few truffles, but sadly, they were not as delicious as the equiviant treats in Vienna or Switzerland or even at Harland's on Salt Sping if you haven't got time for international travel. However I must say I loved to look around at Harrod's, especially in the food sections!
I may just have to make this dip. I have an inkling the recipe it may also include garlic. Yum!
A few double deckers and Big Ben. The new busses are pretty neat. They look very modern and sleek in some aspects but still retain the important features. To about my 4 o'clock is the original Westminster Abbey which reminds me of one of my favourite books: Pillars of the Earth and the talented Tom Builder.
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