Monday, March 10, 2014

Trip to Tweedsmuir

To be honest, this trip mostly involved eating. 
My sister in law is a great cook and incidentally very organized 
(if you live almost an hour from the nearest grocery store its a good thing to be) and we ate well!

Here we are in the Super Duty, which is enormous and pretty fun to drive in.

We also ventured out into the cold which ranged from about -20 to -15 degrees Celcius 
(when were went outside) to do some of the most fun things ever. 

Cross country skiing was on a set trail about 15 minutes away in the middle 
of a forest on undulating ground that provided interest and a little speed, 
which mostly made me crash but by the end of the second day I was doing better. 
I wonder if it was due to holding my breath?! Concentration at its finest, eh? 

The most exciting and new event that took place was dog sledding, 
of which I have no photos because the best things are too exciting to remember to take pictures. 
The dogs were smaller than I expected and six of them pulled two people on a sleigh. 
I loved one little red one and wished to take him home... 

Click for info on Sundogs Sled Excursions

Another piece of joy was ripping around the lake on the snowmobile. 
It froze my face but then again it thawed later on.

I also discovered Oka cheese. It's Canadian and made in Quebec. 
I'd never noticed it before and then just yesterday I bought some Camembert and when I unwrapped it, I saw it came from the same place ... With the Agropur signature. 
Not every label falling under this title is on par with the new cheeses I've tried so far 
(ïogo for example is not actually yogurt as far as I can tell), 
but Island Farms is on the list.
Go Canada!  

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