Saturday, September 1, 2012

Summer Vacation - Part Two

Calgary / Jasper

Normally I do not like it when I do not get on a flight, but strangely enough, this time I didn't mind so much since waiting involved pizza and another small trip in 'the vessel' and required me to socialize (as if I ever needed any convincing) in Calgary.  Nevertheless my Jasper trip began a day late, which may explain why I didn't manage to take very many photos, because I was otherwise disposed enjoying myself as quickly as I could.  

The drive from Calgary to Jasper along the Icefield Parkway took 4.5 hours without stopping and is a magnificent view from the driver's seat.  It was meant to take 5.5 hours, but I think some Ontario habits may be rubbing off on me...  Truely this is probably one of the top ten of most beautiful places on earth.  (In fact I'm certain that Canada might hold a higher percentage of beautiful places than most other countries...  I may be biased - how can a person not be?)  Regardless, Canadian wilderness is amazing!

Breath taking views from the driver's seat along the Icefields Parkway
Jasper's new Totem
A little room waiting for me


I did get in a little baking, but the results were more Dr. Suess than I would have really liked.  My judgement outside of my normal kitchen of use often gives leaning tower of Piza results; slightly skewd engineering that may possess some endeering quaility but doesn't quite hit the mark with my standards. Oh well, baking is always fun and tasty, so what the heck!?


My lovely niece took me, and the day before, two lovely friends of mine from Austria, white water rafting!  This is always exciting, but the other half of the experience is the view.  There really is no view quite the same as from a river.  Am I scared?  Nope, not at all, we were born adventurers and anyone can trust my neice as she has been guiding tours for the past three summers.

Coming home after a nice tour

The view is always gorgeous...


On the second day in Jasper some storm clouds floated in and while my sister and I were walking over to the otherside of town for a hike in the hills beyond, we were nearly hit by lightning.  I've never been so close to lightning before!  It hit the pavement about five feet in front of us and sizzled across the ground, creating a crackling noise and a nearly blinding brightness.  It was shocking yet facinating and I don't think I moved at all while watching it, until a split second later when the thunder felt like it had hit me and my body instantly curled into a tight ball, my eyelids clamped closed and my entire body felt like it could hear the shaking ripples of the booms that followed.  Interestingly my sister, Ozzie the dog, and I were left completely unscathed, not even one energized hair.

On the topic of lightning, here is a little clip I made in the spring somewhere over New York State:

 Some general enjoyment and goofing off to pleasently pass the time...

The saddest part was leaving... as it always is.

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