Thursday, September 13, 2012

September, a New Beginning

The "New Year" has rather furiously screamed in, fervently bestowing upon my life chaos in the form of work, training at work, studying, brain numbing, rapid-fire learning, and resultant headaches and nervousness.  This is what September is all about, no?  It was compounded by beginning training sessions at 2:00 am which I personally feel is a hindrance to any beneficial gain for anyone belonging to the human race.  If you'd like any tips on altering your sleep patterns and maximizing capacity for brain power, though, I can certainly now be of assistance.  If anyone has tips for me on reducing anxiety during stressful moments, I am all ears.  In the end (although this is more accurately the beginning) the craziness and nocturnal lifestyle was all for a good cause since I have come out the other side smiling about the fact that I've moved up in the company.  And on the note of moving - this also means I will be moving to Calgary!

First Snow in the Rockies

Ah, moving.  I think it's human nature not to be open to change, unless we don't like the current situation, of course.  Maybe it's not so much that we don't like it, but we do seem to be undoubtedly wary of it.  I am of the opinion though that if you chose to smile you can switch from negative to positive pretty easily, so by the same token, and, I remind myself I wanted this career because I desired adventure and to experience the world, I shall take the move to Calgary wholeheartedly, and embrace it.  After all, that's what I did with Toronto a year and a half ago, and it's served me up interesting, if nothing else, but certainly happiness, too.  

Here I come Calgary!  Cowgirl boots and all!

Kananaskis, outside Calgary

Incidentally I was in Calgary for the entire month of October last year.  The weather was still quite pleasant at that time and I hope it will be the same this year so I may enjoy the gorgeous mountains once again.  The 31st was the first snow day in the city, so that should hopefully give me some time before the winter weather, though I certainly do plan to take advantage of the spectacular crisp days where the snow glimmers brilliantly below the bright blue sky and the sun warms your face.

Downtown Calgary

Calgary is also known for their weather phenomenon, the Chinook, a warm westerly foehn wind that descends down to the city from the Rockies bringing such warmth that a t-shirt may be enough mid-winter!  Temperatures may rise by 30 degrees Celsius or more.  Awesome! 

Between the myriad of things to sort out I am enjoying some quiet eating time in this beautiful back yard I currently call home, wondering if I'll ever settle in one spot, but definitely not worrying about it in the least.  

For now, anyway.

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