Sunday, August 23, 2015

The Holestone

This is what it looks like. Apparently there are more about, scattered all over the island of Ireland, but this is the nearest. It's not really within walking distance (it would take all day) but it's just a short drive from where I live.

The history of Holestones is unknown but the most plausible explaination is marriage it seems. The woman puts her hand through the hole and the couple join hands and exchange vows of love and forever-ness. 

Yes, those hands are mine and Jordan's... It could have been more romantic, but we didn't plan our words or become poets on the spot. Clearly, it's important to premeditate your feelings into speech for those special moments in life so the sentiments tumble out sweetly and affectionately just the way you'd want to remember them. 

There is a story of punishment for committing adultery, where in the groom, of the bride and groom who were married at this Holestone, was turned into a black horse who could never leave the field where the stone stands. 

We saw plenty of black cows, but not one horse! 

We certainly got lucky with the weather while Jordan was here. He's got no idea! 

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