Monday, June 17, 2013

Lovely Liverpudlians - Beatles Included

I missed out on Saturday during the day, due to some very frustrating EasyJet experiences, 
when I had originally planned to wisely visit Purlesque, a knitting and craft shop that 
will be closed as of the end of the month. Rather sad.

A view from the south side of Albert Docks downtown Liverpool 

I attended a wedding party on Saturday evening and enjoyed myself thoroughly with 
the long lost family, drinking much more than necessary and dancing and singing the night away. 
I was so busy having a riot I didn't even take a single photo. 
The location was the Hillbark Hotel in Wirral. 

City center area

Sunday I visited downtown. Initially I walked around somewhat aimlessly in the nearly abandoned city feeling doleful and glum, particularly because I was alone as usual... 
but after drinking a liter and a half of water and visiting a small museum with Egyptian antiquities, 
I felt quite dramatically recharged when I returned to the sunshine outside 
with all the city-goers who finally emerged.

I ate a scrumptious lunch and dessert at a bakery 
called Patisserie Valerie which was founded in 1928. 
I would certainly recommend this sweet spot and 
if I am in Liverpool again I will be looking forward to an encore. 
It is French in all the right ways - chances are its more than proved itself over the years. 

The highlight of entertainment was certainly the Cavern Club, though I cannot assure you the same excellent experience I was lucky enough to have in what looks like an underground mausoleum, though everyone was, I can assure you, quite lively! This is of course the home of the Beatles and it continues to host well celebrated artists regularly as well as play tribute to the Fab Four. I met a group of locals who were very fun and welcoming and we danced for four hours until I had to leave. I'm not sure if they drank or spilt more beer while I was there, but I'm quite certain that is why my clothes and shoes as so sticky!  I stayed long enough to catch two bands which were both excellent, long enough also that all shops were shut by the time I emerged and I missed out on post cards.  

I stayed in Bebington at the Bebington Hotel, a very sweet mini old fashioned version, but with all the amenities of a modern room and bath, plus a full English breakfast in the morning. Find it here. Very reasonable and close to transit. I must say I was impressed with the public transit; the information agents were more than helpful and kind. Should you need it Merseytravel

Right, next time: Take photos and buy post cards, or at least one of each ;)

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