Although in the human explosion of central England, Leeds environs, West Yorkshire, directly on the edge of downtown, and precisely on the edge of the River Aire, (Sounds picturesque but not quite at this particular spot, yet. Could reasonably change since lots nearby are vacant.), I can rather shortly escape the din of light rail and the city by walking between the river and the canal, where there is a paved trail. I must share with a few of the populous (polite they are indeed), but it's quite a relaxing fold in the scape that draws one back in time with the bridges, locks, and river boats, and offers some green calm. Not that I need to escape my apartment. It's quite well appointed. And I like it better even, now that I bought a candle, and was able to light it.
Interesting Fact #1. You must be 25 years of age to purchase matches.
Unfortunate Fact: So obviously beyond such age, no one must ask.
A bit rainy just now, so the jaunts are limited, but I've already stocked up on the warming teas from M&S. May have to run for milk soon though. Splurged on the tea pyramids and quite happy with the results. Aniseed, fennel, liquorice, and dried apple is perfect clear and is settling after dinner, while I prefer to take the cocoa nibs, rooibos, cassis bark and vanilla, more Chai style with milk and honey. Coffee isn't so interesting now that it isn't coming out of our new espresso machine... What I'm really missing from this cozy experience is my knitting. Not even a single project of any creative type... Well. I have a few courses to get on with.
With the available time I have had a jaunt out each day to see the city, or take the green walk. Every time I pass Boots I have to laugh. Although I love orange juice with juicy bits (versus pulp), I'm not sure calling it a Flu Jab is any better sounding than a Flu Shot. Perhaps they don't have too much of the vaccine and wish not to run out?
I also thought it would be a good opportunity to plan. So I made a new watering system plan for our front garden, or annual garden if you will. I tried to keep a few successful perennials in from the summer but it seems the tractor has munched them to oblivion... so annual garden it is. Perennials are for the orchard's extra spaces. All my seeds, left over and recently harvested, are waiting to be organized, so not much I can do from here, which means it's mostly time to learn about gardening, and dream. The dreaming part is easy!

I did a little walking in the Yorkshire Dales area the other day. Very pretty landscape. Meet a nice old couple, Michael and Olive, and had a wee chat, which is precisely the way I like to get to know an area. People are interesting and an accurate representation of a place. I really should have asked about the delicious Yorkshire pudding, and Wensleydale cheese, and how often someone from Yorkshire actually consumes these items, but it didn't come to mind then. Photos of the area to follow as they are on my good camera.

I just read and enjoyed 'The Eye of the Needle' by Ken Follett. Also it seems there is now a third book in the 'Pillars of the Earth' and 'World Without End' duo: 'A Column of Fire'. No doubt it will also be a thrill to read! However, the best thing to happen in the land of great books, is a backtrack to 1944 and children's literature, when the Adventure Series by Enid Blyton began with 'The Island of Adventure', which I felt quite please to have talked a friend of mine into choosing as the English book to bring back to read aloud to his children. I do hope they enjoy it as much as I did!
"Close the door and wipe your feet!" screeched Kiki. ;)