I nearly packed in the blog for good with all my recent computerized tribulations.
In fact, I nearly went off the radar completely. I mostly still am.
Drowning one's phone is a predicament that throws oneself into such a state.
It's a nice cozy spot where I can exist 'non-contactably' and unidentifiably.
But it's also impractical in this day and age. Sadly...
Here's the lovely calendula! |
Living in modern times probably means somewhere from the point of OS 10.6.8 onward.
That's because OS 10.6.8 is so old it's verging on prehistoric carbon dating,
while the original iMac is in the Palaeolithic Period,
and that little box with a screen we had when I was a little kid,
is now considered to be one of the earliest stone tools to have been made by man.
Blah, blah, blah.
The moral of my caterwaul is buying a new computer always solves you problems.
They go for about $1500.00.
Yeesh. Okay, okay I'll stop my griping and catch you up.
The good news is that I learned a few things in the process, and I am now actually able to blog normally once again. Which also means I can properly backtrack to the summer :)
We finally got a photo with our sign we made for our farm.
The name is a namesake for the couple who lived at Blue Moon Farm before us.
It was the name they named the farm. They figured you only buy a farm once in a blue moon!
We agree. In 2015 there was only one blue moon and we were able to enjoy it together
despite all the time we spent apart, which gave it significance.
There won't be another until 2018!
Nothing too exciting has happened so far this Autumn, apart from unseasonably great weather in which I've been able to get many extra chores done outside around the property
(it feels great to be catching up), our harvest of which I am quite proud,
and of course, baby rabbits!
It snowed... awww I am outside... |
Um, it snowed! Didn't you notice? Let me in! |
C'mon don't just stand there with the camera. GUYS!!! |
I spent a quality 2 hours being entertained by Jason Bourne last weekend.
Matt Damon is awesome.
Which reminds me of Adam Steele. Remember him?
He is basically Jason Bourne ;)
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