Sunday, February 14, 2016

Random Round-Up

A few photos here to share. 

Eat your eggs. We are getting chicks! And they'll be laying. Eventually. 

I've been lucky enough to see the Aurora Borealis three nights in the past month, the new moon was encircling the whole sphere the other night and just before that, when it was dark, I was amazed by how the Milky Way sparkled. Our lack of light pollution here on the farm, as well as a cockpit nighttime scape, do bring fabulous sights I can't capture on camera. 

So colour photos for now then.

Good morning! Yes get out your sunglasses or you'll burn your retinas. 
The photo of the sun is even hard to look at! 

A lower deck of cloud stretching out toward the horizon where the morning light is breaking into a blue dawn.

I've now made mozzarella twice. Results are good. 
It takes about three hours to produce about 8 medium balls from a gallon (almost four litres) of milk. 
I'm sure the time could be cut down if I honed the heating portion of the process... 
My current pot situation may be a contributing factor.
I'm going to the big smoke at the end of the week to make some purchases. 
Pots have top priority.

Second time around I used gloves for the hot curd handling. 
Much nicer on the fingers - hot not burning - but an odd way to handle the cheese. 
Not that I really know how cheese handling is meant to feel. 
But somehow I know you're supposed to feel it. Like dough or massaging or milking a cow. 
Speaking of cows, I may use whole milk next time... So far I've only used 2%. 

I kept the whey and made six small boules (below) using the whey in the 
second addition of liquid in my standard straight dough, poolish method. 
I will never again let whey just drain away. 

What else? 
Happy Valentines of course! 
If I made these, or someone made them for me I'd hang them up all over! 

Happy love kisses and interwoven snuggles and sweet nothings whispered in ears. <3

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