Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Continuing down that path...

...There's a fork. 
The part where I choose how to remember my summer.

I love roads lined with trees, almost forming a tunnel.

A wee farm outbuilding
Are you just happy to see me, or? 

 When circumstances are less than desirable, make yourself a plan, or even a plan B, 
implement and stick to it and try your best. When that doesn't solve anything 
- sometimes it just won't - 
don't be discouraged or lose your joie de vivre. 
Realize that's life. Your mostly uncontrollable, sometimes possible to influence, saga. 
Take a moment to count the benefits that otherwise could never have manifested themselves, 
and remember for what you're grateful. 

Lemon Meringue Cake 

It was like eating sunshine!

Without sugar coating a thing, I'd say, the summer sucked. 
I really hate that expression, but for that reason it seems even more fitting. 

I made two really amazing friends, who pulled me through the tough times and 
who gave me reasons to laugh and focus on the parts of life I love. 
(A shout out to my Templepatrick girls)
It afforded me the opportunity to advance my study of people, 
To understand who are true friends, in the end, and always.
I got to revisit those people who made me love Belfast in the first place. 
(A shout out to a farmer in Co. Down and my Monday Night ladies. 
Auds you must have been One Saucy Minx. 
Okay, I know Hugh was talking about a former PM, 
but he may as well have been talking about you. 
Who's to say 'have been', anyway?)
I am thankful for all those women who've contributed to us, and those men, too.
Even if it wasn't until late in my stay, I reconnected with the city of Belfast, 
the only city I've ever truly loved.
I turned my loneliness for home into time well spent on baking cakes. 
Or at least I spent a lot of time baking cakes. 
One of my most dreamed of travel trips was realized when Jordan and I rode the Danube trail.
And I spent an amazing time with my cousins.

Andy, my smallest neighbour, turned 1!
I'd say those thoughts leave me feeling rather positive. So I choose them.
And applause for all the Minxes. 

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