Friday, August 15, 2014

The Benefits of Sleeping Poorly

At the minute, I am trying to keep a night schedule as work dictates only red-eyes during this current segment, and if I can maintain such a schedule I am much more myself at work. However, the human body, or at least my body, clearly isn't nocturnal. After a little over a week, sometimes as tired as I may be, I just cannot sleep during the day, even if it's not sunny. Like this morning when I was awake... but luckily I was able to hear a knock. And this is what arrived:

Inside that box, Just Because,

I found a number of lovely things:

Like a mug with my name on it! And it's not even kitschy! In fact it is über cute.
And some chocolate, which may or may not have eased me back into sleep...

How many interesting concoctions could I dream up with these? 
Many, I assure you!
The flavours are elderflower, passion fruit and habanero, and piña colada!

And a little book so fitting for the sadness am feeling...

What an amazing pick-me-up from the most thoughtful best-est friend ever!

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