Saturday, October 20, 2012

Cabled Wrap in Gold and Grape

Another Knitted Accessory

Sometimes it takes me forever to get things done and completed.  I am very diligent about working away to prevent chores from backing up and am actually quite organized and enjoy crossing items off my to-do list, but as soon as I need someone else to aid me in any sort of a way, time passes very quickly in comparison to number of things accomplished.  

This Cabled Wrap is a perfect example.  I just needed (or wanted) someone to take photos of the piece as looks when it's worn, and also in the sunshine to show the detail and colour well.  
Finally it happened!  And here they are, photos all lovely in my favourite colour!

I liked the yarn, a thin to thick single ply with a rope of golden twisted in, called Granite. 
I made up the pattern as it's really just a long rectangle.  Easy and pleasing.

Salt Spring can be such a great place to get things done.  Just doing things in your own space.  
The beauty around me there is inspiring in an artistic sort of way, even if my art comes in the form of fiber and flour!

Fewer electronic distractions, I suppose.  Cell phones can be great - Miniature computers that fit right into your hand.  But I have to admit I do like to unplug from the world when I am exactly where I want to be, with exactly who I want to be with. Simple.


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