Happy Thanksgiving!
I like Thanksgiving because it is composed of some pretty good things. First of all, everyone has many reasons to be thankful which means anyone can participate. Many of our national holidays are religious and therefore somewhat exclusive, but this isn't really. Feasting is another huge bonus. Turkey dinner is delicious, because it involves stuffing of course - my personal favourite, though any mouthwatering feast is completely suitable. It's also a great excuse to have a good time together with the important people in your life. And you get a day off! :)
Thanksgiving can be unpleasant though if you don't have company to share with. I've certainly had that happen on a few occasions. If you have experienced this you'll know what I mean, and if you haven't, well just consider that feeling for a moment. Looking through the windows of houses where people are enjoying the festivities... and knowing you haven't been included. It's such a lonely and a sad feeling. So, please make sure on any holiday no one you know ever gets left out!
Sharing is good for everyone. Have a heart and remember what you were taught in Kindergarten. Just saying.
This was a bittersweet get-together since it's the last Thanksgiving and big dinner here at Magda's, where I am, very thankfully, always included. I couldn't be sadder leaving this wonderful home I live in because I've been properly adopted and it feels so good. It's an oasis in this crazy city. I'm so lucky! Nevertheless, I have to grab my career by the horns, and maybe some other bits a pieces of my life and get them all in a row and going in the right direction. So here I come Calgary! After all I'm not getting any younger. (Why do people keep reminding me of that. Geez...) And I'm slow. I know, Mom. But you can't always be the proverbial ready for everything and in the right place at the right time. Sometimes things just don't work out, but I certainly found myself standing just where I wanted to be crossing the threshold into Magda's home. And that's exactly what I know I'm thankful for this weekend!
I'll be back. At least to visit. Special connections last forever. xo
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