Woman want to be loved and respected by our supportive husbands.
Most of us desire following our maternal instinct to create baby humans.
(It's an extraordinary phenomenon after all.)
Oh, and we also often want a career.
Is that too much to ask?
At least that's how I'd paraphrase the 1980's female struggle, indicated through the prose of the
third book in the Ken Follett trilogy, "Edge of Eternity".
But he's a man himself, so does he truly understand?
"I know. It's complicated. But try to understand...
Men arrive, concede to marry us, and so we should be thankful. Sometimes it seems we get bitchy because we don't want to throw away everything we've earned, especially not to be someone only society had in mind, an expectation individuals may have adopted.
That wasn't the woman who you were attracted to in the first place."
I'm half laughing, half serious. But still.
He has some pretty awesome female characters like Ethel, Zoya and Maria Summers.
Perhaps through their character development Ken's appreciation can be sensed.
I encourage you to read these novels as well. No doubt you will, man or woman, enjoy them.
(And I'm dying to hear what you think of the characters.)
His accuracy is keen and it's the most enjoyable history lesson I've ever had
(apart from when my Dad told stories of the 'Olden Days', and books One and Two)
and although I feel somewhat bereft to live in, what appears to be, a less potent and influential era,
my reflection is disappointed by the same mass indifference of nations that disillusions me today.
Will we ever be a coherent population committed to both humanity and nature
and resolve the issues of our planet? Well, we can discuss (argue!) the details,
over coffee in these two hand-crafted, cherry-love mugs made by
a local potter in Northern Ireland, for a sweeter version of reality.
I'll put the kettle on.
These lovely mugs were a gift to us from my dear friend Kim, who knows we not only love coffee,
but just, precisely where these are going to look perfect!
We will show you in three weeks. !!!!!!
Meanwhile, you can check out my first attempt at quilting
- not my homemaking prowess department -
more artistic and free form than traditional.
Also a handmade gift :)
If ever someone wanted to show me how to sew, I'd gladly glean your knowledge.
Which also goes for a lot of other skills.
I'm interested, as usual, in how to actually make, do and create all the useful items
almost extinct in the modern skill-set.
I'm afraid the mastery and artistry know-how will dwindle to an unsalvageable level.
So, I'm listening and ready to learn...
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