Saturday, November 28, 2015

"Let's Talk About Cake"

Over two months belated, I fulfilled Jordan's mint-chocolate-cake-dreams.

Sweetapolita is a bona fide muse for my 'caking' 
but try as I might have over the past 5(?) years to recreate her various confections identically 
and at times failed quite drastically,
I do notice, not only a distinct difference, but also a trend with my cakes. 
It's something I'll take full ownership for and I've decided should simply be referred to as 
'personal style'.

It's something about the look/style/form. It's my own vein.
I don't see it in cookbooks, on Pinterest, or anywhere, 
apart from in my own kitchen.
And it turns out, I like it. Quite a lot.

I've realized you don't need to copy someone else if your own creation is justifiable. 
Now, I'm not saying my cakes are as nice as hers,
or any masterpiece on Pinterest or wherever you might ogle a splendid cake.
Or am I disregarding the reasonable spotlight inspiration takes, 
but, I believe they have prospect. 

And you could pin them. 
I would like that. 
Love it.

For your mint chocolate version, 
should you want to know what I've done here:

Two torted layers of deep chocolate cake, separated three times by
half a recipe of stabilized whipped cream studded with finely chopped cubes of mint chocolate wafers, coated in a silky chocolate frosting, drizzled with minty ganache. 

References: Sweetapolita Bakebook 
(Yes you NEED this on your Christmas list, if of course you don't already have one 
because you neglected to pre-order prior to the publishing date.)

With a 'Miss Rose flourish' if you will. 

By the way, this is the final Skyview Ranch cake. 
This phase has come to a happy ending.

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