Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Highland Photos

I know I promised these photos and I love them, so here they are:
The Highlands!

Behind me is Glencoe. 
It was meant to be a hike but it was more of a mini walk, 
so we went uphill following our own way.

Above is my favourite shot.
I love the width of the lense on this camera and the crispness of the details.
One day I'll get myself one of these!

We were quite lucky with weather, 
though I'd really love to see these mountains without any cloud!

Below is the little river running through Glencoe. 
We walked to the signal point and concluded that a lot must have changed since the history 
of the place because no one could see us from there!

The amazing thing is that none of these photos has been altered either. 
I'm completely photography and photographer impressed!

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