Sunday, July 28, 2013

Delinquent, Tardy and Overdue Posting...

Sorry about that, but quiet, laid-back, relaxed Belfast has been busily consuming the hours of all of my days! It's what happens when the weather is so nice for so long in a location so well known for the rain. Actually these Northern Irish know how to have a good time rain or shine, but I'm not missing out on the sun if I can help it... It's summer after all!!! And training dragged on and studying dragged on but I've happily completed that now and since we are having an electrical storm I've retired my metal knitting needles from my sunny spot on the deck and come inside to get something accomplished here. 

No kidding, I have been working, too!

...24 blades of high by-pass glory
...the walk-around really isn't a touch-around as clearly that tail is even too tall for tall people(!)
...South-western tip of Portugal where the city of Sagres is located. Lisbon is to the North and Faro to the east, just in case you've never heard of Sagres before, because I just looked that one up :)

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