I guess this is the moment to reflect on what I miss about Canada.
Mostly it would be awfully nice to take a shower hands-free with adequate pressure and heat,
since I have this thought daily, as would I also like to just dry my clothes, towels and bedding in a dryer with air. Oh the basic things this side of the pond just has no idea about!
P.S. over in Canada we even wash our clothes in cold water! In the machine!
Wow, you never knew your clothes could last so long :D
The small things... Our ice cube trays, sinks with counters,
our style traffic lights which are obvious and visible, the standard shifting position layout in a car,
the texture of regular flour and sorry but I must also say, sunshine!
(You can tell I haven't been living on the West Coast for a while now)
Local Goods from Harry's. Except maybe the dates. I expect those were imports! |
Since there are typically pros and cons to everything, I'd better list the things I'm currently
taking for granted: Oh traffic circles, how I prefer you to four way stops, because I am rarely stopping now, buying food in small packages means I get just what I wanted,
there's no waste and it's fresher all at the same price as buying twice as much,
the green that's so easy on the eyes, the knitting club, the friendliness of people everywhere.
Harry's, Mark's & Spencer's (btw they sell red, heart shaped measuring spoons and cups!),
City Hall inviting citizens onto their lawn to watch tv or just lounge, the copious flavours of crisps, the fact that a melted cheese and ham sandwich is called a Toastie, two cars are actually able to pass each other on such tiny roads without scraping mirrors or the rock walls on either side and
last but certainly not least, the quaint cuteness... Everywhere!