Sunday, March 15, 2015

A Wee Cake

Since baking cake is clearly my hobby or, rather my obsession, (or maybe just eating it is?) 
I had to try out an idea I saw on Pinterest (my addiction - does anyone's else have this problem?).

The experiment went terribly wrong.  

My face looked something like this 
- so mad I pulled my hair out - 
you can tell from the lack of whiskers on the cat :

Luckily I was still able to make a mini cake, and provide some slices for a colleague's birthday. 

When I sort out the details following further experimentation, I will share them. 

In the meantime, here is a chocolate (sigh, how I missed you!) creamcheese cake 
with melt-y chocolate ganache and milk chocolate curls.

We liked it! 
A lot.

So, in the end I found the silver lining in the cloud!
My whiskers are even starting to grow back ;)

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