Saturday, April 20, 2013

Back to the Books

Is it possible to say "I'm so happy I'm going to have no fun for the next six weeks!"?

In this case, quite!!!!!!

Well, maybe I should rephrase: no fun = studying only. Most of us would be cleaning the bathroom before getting down to required reading and that includes the neat freak, myself, but since I'm in a hotel I have no excuses! In order to get something you really desire you often have to work really hard for it.  The greater the effort involved just makes the outcome that much sweeter.  And its going to be a very bright light at the end of the tunnel!

Honestly I dont even know how I have arrived here... Yes I know, the good friend, resume, interview and flew by plane... but this feels fantastical, incredible and pretty much unbelievable, yet here I am in Toronto. For real. Smiling :D

Now I just have to get through everything...
Whilst also trying to fend off all the inevitable fiends:
Weight Gain 

My plan was to go to the gym every day even if its only for 20 minutes of cardio... Which is more like every other day... And eat my vegetables and fruit. Oh how I detest eating out! And where is Jugo Juice when you need it and you've forgotten to bring your handy magic bullet? 

Anyway, must study. And take a few relaxing moments. Will check in again soon!
Maybe by then I'll figure out how to load pictures from my iPad.... I do love my new toy but I have a lot to learn ;)

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