Saturday, September 10, 2016

Milchkaffeefarbenes Leben

If I had to choose one reason to love my job, it would be that I have more opportunities than I might otherwise, to see the world. Gladly when given the chance I escape to have look. Most recently I visited my family on what has become one of my yearly rounds. (I hope this pattern is repetitive) There is nothing annual I look forward to in the same way.  

"When you look you see, when you see you think, when you think you've really been somewhere."

But when I look, do I see what you see?

Like a camera with different filters and lenses, people do see the identical sights or situations and have different interpretations, anywhere from mildly to substantially unalike. Since my trip was laced with coffee, as a trip to Austria should be, I chose to tint my afterthoughts (photos) with caffeine. Look at them how you want, because you will anyway. 

We got to talking and discussing and so forth. I love all the ideas and passion I find in these hobnobs over a hot beverage or a cold raddler, around the table with a bench or along a trail to a mountain peak. Interesting people make for thoughtful times. And absorbing and intriguing things to fill my future. One of the subjects were the documentaries of Erwin Wagonhofer ("Let's Make Money", "We Feed the World" and "Alphabet"), the sort of exposés that force profound consideration, and ultimately conscious discourse.

What is ethical? Can the making of money (tonnes of it) be ethical? Is that concerning? Do you trust, for example, investors of your money (national funds, your pension fund, your personal wealth, etc.) to act responsibly? All questions for which we might not all agree upon the answers, but certainly provoke a pause for thought. 

Would anyone care to guess at what nations are at the head of our world economy in 10 years? In 20? Economics on the grand scale aren't my area, but I would also be interested in any insight into (my favourite thing about Americans) making economy within your own country or region. So 'buy local', the '100 mile diet' and 'farmers markets' have been examples of this everywhere (in western culture), albeit recently and for reasons non-economic, but the Americans have been supporting 'Made in the USA' as long as they have been able to, and they are, undoubtedly one of the current superpowers. Your thoughts? 

I also just finished devouring Bill Bryson's "At Home, a short history of private life", for the second time, and I note the final phrase on which he leaves the reader (after talking about all the fast paced changes during the nintienth century that together built the ease of current daily life): "The greatest possible irony would be if in our endless quest to fill our lives with comfort and happiness we created a world that had neither." 


On a more comical note, do you ever feel like this wee mädchen? 

I am convinced in order to learn a language as an adult or an older child, you must try to learn just like a baby does, at every opportunity. Practice, pronounce, try and don't be shy to seek the help from everyone willing. That is easier said than done, I agree, but there's nothing more embarrassing than simply not being able to say anything. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Greetings from Warsaw

Dzień Dobry

And Happy First of September. What does that mean? Nothing tangible, but somehow there is this small feeling of change. August is over and Autumn is approaching, there's some scramble from deep inside where I'm parting with the summer and preparing for arrival in the land of obligation and reality. After this weekend it's back to school, and if it isn't anymore, it once was. Does anyone else feel this way? It's maverick to Mother Nature (this is the season of ends rather than beginnings) and impossible in practical terms to have two beginnings to each year. 

Perhaps, it's just time I review my goals for the year. Perhaps I'm getting off track, waylaid by all sorts of things useful, unexpected and unnecessary. Maybe I can organize myself to focus on a few forgotten ideas and finish up current projects. But I'm lounging in the luxury of summer where everything is warm and languid and bohemian with bare toes and no one has to cart around jackets, mitts and toques..

September's all about organization, though isn't it? It's not exactly winter yet. And, honestly I like organization. In fact, people might even call me organized. I might disagree. I believe it requires more follow-through than I often give it, which is essentially key. It's sort of a cycle of assessment, plans according to time, doing/being/going, review, and re-assessment which just brings the process back to the start. Continue like a slinky on stairway to forever.

My favourite ways to keep myself on track are: a proper agenda (which I lost in March, maybe?), reviewing and planning the evening before (and who wouldn't rather just jump in bed and cuddle their puppy?), getting up and at it early to get a kick start on the day (but cuddling the puppy is so comfortable... and it's not even light out yet!), and taking a coffee break early afternoon to both wake up and take a mini review. Well, it's a challenge. I also think a regular work schedule is helpful, but unfortunately that isn't my life. What are yours? 

Somewhere on the great expanse of the internet I heard someone's suggestion to do the biggest, most crucial or worst jobs of the day first. It might prevent that item from sliding all the way down your week without ever doing it, and postponing it even further. 

I should maybe find my agenda, or if I can't try the bullet journal (see boho berry) revamp our terrible coffee situation at home, and find the disipline. And the willpower. I might have to make some cookies. (Adventures of Frog and Toad anyone?) "Yes Miss Rose, you can have your will power!"

Does anyone know of governmental agencies in Canada supplying planting dates? Apparently this exists in the US and I am hopeful we have a similar resource in Canada. Just another area of my life I'd like to be organized about based on more facts than just May 23-September 13 as my frost free growing season. 

Out of interest, the first meaning of maverick listed, by MWs, is a motherless calf. So, Maverick and Goose were both animals after all. 😉